We often hear the word “work-life balance” from employees and employers alike. The term has been around since the 80s and has since created a buzz in the business industry. It is without a doubt that the role of people in any industry is vital for the operation of a company, even in the era of technological advancement. Thus, employers, particularly in the Philippines, have been evaluating and redefining how to create a balance between personal and work-related matters for their employees in order to foster competency and effectiveness in their assigned tasks.
Achieving a work-life balance is a struggle for many Filipinos, especially in this new normal. This is sometimes a dilemma for those who have a work-from-home setup, like those who work in web development or web design, to name a few.
Here at Grow Forward JP, Inc., we compiled a list to help Filipinos with their work-life balance:
1. Learn to say “no”
Saying “no” might have a negative connotation, but it could also save you from getting burnt out and overworked, especially if you are already overloaded with work. Do not let yourself be taken advantage of because of always being available around the clock. Tell your boss that you need time to evaluate your schedule and see if you still have space to work on another project. This can be helpful in recognizing and prioritizing tasks that are important.
2. Avoid the “Perfectionism”
We always say, “Nobody is perfect,” so why are you trying to incorporate it into your work? The quicker you realize that, the faster you can take a deep breath and relax. Letting go of perfectionism does not mean that you do not want to strive hard to do well at home or at work; it simply means that you should not let yourself be thrown off by minor incidents that are not relevant to the outcome of your work. Avoiding perfectionism does not only affect your work life; it could also cause a strain on your personal life too. Try to stop the ridiculously high and unrealistic standards you have because it could damage your relationships both inside and outside of work.
3. Exercise
Exercising daily is important because it not only keeps you healthy and in shape, but also reduces stress levels and increases your energy levels. Plus, it pumps endorphins into your body, which ultimately lifts your mood and, in turn, affects how you face your work and personal life.
4. Relax and Unplug
In today’s age, technology has provided a way for us to communicate easily, no matter the distance. It also made us always “on” and available for communication, so we could easily be reached by both bosses and clients alike. It could make you feel like you are still working even when it’s your day off. Don’t be afraid of having some “me-time,” as studies show that employees who unwind and relax are more proactive and efficient at work. So learn to unplug, relax, and have fun on your days off.
5. Set Goals
Prioritize what needs to be done so you don’t have to cram when the deadline arrives. It’s also a way to do little tasks that have little to no value. Avoid checking your phone every few minutes, as it can waste time and distract you from the task at hand. Make sure to have a schedule or take note of tasks that need to be done instead of relying on memory alone to avoid getting stressed when you forget to do certain tasks. Managing your time at work can increase productivity, which can also result in having a more relaxing time outside of work.
Sometimes we fall into habits and routines, and we do not realize that our work becomes the foreground of our lives. And while our job is important, it should not define our entire life. Our work is a small part of who we are, and we should not forget that we were individuals before we accepted the job we have now. And it may take a bit of struggle to have a work-life balance, but remember, it is not just one big leap. It is the consistent small steps you take. Write down the things you want to change, then divide them into small things and do them constantly, and you will see the outcome of your work-life balance.